The Fountain: Effects Breakdown Reel.In 2003, Director Darren Aronofsky had heard of Giant Killer Robot's work, and had approached us about his epic time travel film, "The Fountain". At the time, the production had a tent pole budget, and starred Brad Pitt. At some point, the production halted, and we didn't hear back from Mr. Aronofsky until three years later, when a new version of the film was in production. Working with Dan Schreker, the production team's VFX lead, Giant Killer Robots designed and executed several of the key "immolation" shots for the film, which unlike most of the rest of the movie, were created with CG, vs. composited analog imagery. We recreated many of the setpieces, as well as created custom organic FX elements, that matched the style and mood of the film's other visuals, yet gave us the flexibility to create what the Director wanted. I was the VFX Supervisor for GKR on this project.