Giant Killer Robots: Happy Feet Animation Reel.In 2006, Giant Killer Robots was called upon to assist in the production of George Miller's "Happy Feet," a film that had started production using motion capture to drive the all CG animated feature. There was a large action scene involving an avalanche and subsequent swimming escape, which couldn't be done with motion capture, so GKR was tasked with previsualizing and then executing the animation on the scenes themselves. I was the VFX Supervisor for the 10 minute keyframed sequence, which was unique to the film, and unorthodox, as we had to fit an existing style template for an animated feature as a separate vendor, and thus had a legacy of pipeline and integration to uphold, along with the animation work the large scale setpieces, and the FX involved with the avalanche itself. In the end, the film was well received, and won an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2007.